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Master your most important relationships — with your spouse, your kids, and God — with just two hours per week

with a proven, Torah-based personal development system from international mussar teacher
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen

Join Rabbi Kelemen Inner Circle

Life is tough.

Dating is hard.

Marriage is hard.

Parenting is hard.

And one day, you look at yourself in the mirror and say -

“Really? This is it? After all these years, this is who I am? This is who I’ve become?”

You really want to grow.

  • You want to be a better spouse, a better parent, a better friend.
  • You want to be less stressed, less anxious, less RESENTFUL.
  • You want to become a bigger person — a person who can overcome natural instincts.

You KNOW you could be so much more, but it hasn’t been happening.

Why? Because this game of life is HARD.

Does this sound like you?


“I read my daughter’s parshah sheet on Shabbos and realize: this is the only Torah I’ve touched all week. What happened to the spiritually growing, vibrant person I once was?

I feel cynical and disconnected. I find myself turning to novels and social media instead of meaningful content that will move me forward. I know I should move past my elementary school education and learn Torah on a deeper level, but I haven’t been finding stuff that resonates with me.”


“I’ve stopped reading parenting books because they make me depressed. When did I become such a witch? My kids are incredibly draining, and I am incredibly tired. Only 20 years to go. Hah. Does every parent feel this helpless, or is it just me? All these “proven” parenting strategies must work for...other families. I was successful in school, I’m successful at work, but no matter what I do, I’m a failure as a parent. What am I doing wrong??”


I’m headed straight down Heart Attack Highway — and I don’t even know how to get off. Not enough money, not enough space, not enough marital satisfaction. I’m in a state of constant stress. My kids stress me out, my boss stresses me out, my wife thinks I’m mediocre (at best). Life feels like a one-way uphill battle. Is this how it’s meant to be?”


I seem to magnetically attract nisyonos. Everyone’s got a pekel, but why does mine have to be so big? I want to let go and rely on Hashem, but all I can feel is anxiety. I toss and turn at night, and lash out at the people around me by day. So much for thinking I was a person of faith...”

You know this situation is not tenable.

You know: if you continue down this path, your kids will suffer, your marriage will suffer, and you will become increasingly empty inside.

But how do you get out of this rut?

Because it’s not like you haven’t tried.

You’re a growing person. A thinking person.
You’ve read books, attended classes, enrolled in courses.

You’ve tried….

  • local shiurim and teleconferences
  • online self-development programs
  • marriage courses and parenting courses

They were nice. But they created no real impact.


1. They didn’t teach you how to apply the ideas to all of life.

Like patchwork on a quilt, there were so many nice ideas...but no organized system for hard-core personal growth.

A moving story here, a hard-hitting example there, but no model you could consistently apply in your day-to-day life.

  • You covered specific scenarios, but never got clear on the principles.
  • You felt so smart in the moment, but helpless in real time.
  • You ended the program thinking ‘well that was valuable — but how in the world do I sustain it?’

The result: a hodgepodge of ideas...and a confused, unempowered you.

2. The program was not designed to create fundamental, methodical change. 

The material was strong, but they dumped it all on you at once. So there was no way you could incrementally implement the ideas and make them your own.

Or it went straight to middos development — without addressing foundational beliefs about your mission, your worth, your potential. So you learned behavioral tools — like controlling your (soul-crushing) tendency to scream — but no tools to create fundamental anger shifts from the inside.

The result: superficial, short-lived change.

3. The classes were so boring, you dreaded listening...or skipped them altogether.

“Too busy”

“I don’t have the head now”

“I’ll be a better mother if I relax with this magazine”

You found yourself grasping at any — and every — excuse to avoid tuning in or playing the lectures.

The content was well-sourced, but So. Hard. To. Get. Through.

You felt no emotional connection to the teacher.

No alignment of values; no shared commitment to growth.

Few smiles, few laughs, few real-life examples.

Does personal growth have to be so painful? you wondered.

4. The information worked — but there were no practical tools for implementation.

Everything was good in the abstract, but you struggled to make real change.

  • You loved the ideas, but craved specific exercises to bring it down to your day-to-day.
  • You could repeat the theory in your sleep, but went foggy on the application.
  • You found yourself nodding vigorously, then wondering: “what does that actually mean for me in real life?”

Maybe these ideas will still make a dent?? you prayed, knowing the chances were slim.

5. Everything made sense, but it wasn’t based on Torah.

“Positive psychology...and Torah”

“Self-awareness...and Torah”

“Meditation...and Torah”

The material seemed solid, but it was 98% pop psychology, wrapped in a thin veneer of Torah.

The course creators seemed to follow the identical formula:

  1. Choose a topic
  2. Draw from the best secular resources
  3. Cherry-pick Torah sources to give a Divine stamp of approval

Is this Torah or psychology? you wondered.

Can I rely on this approach with confidence, knowing I’m doing the right thing — for myself and my family?

6. The classes were Fluff City: fleecy cotton candy that consistently left you hungry.

The content was heartwarming but superficial: airy pink fluffiness you couldn’t sink your teeth into, artificial sweetness that left you oh-so-unsatisfied.

Is this a compilation of feel-good bumper stickers? you found yourself wondering. Is this the kind of Torah I can expect as an adult?

So inspirational, you were inspired to leave.

It was the same-old simplistic sound bites that turned you off in high school, and it felt constraining and limiting — like you have to narrow your unique self into a particular cultural mindset in order to be a good Jew.

Mucho stories, mucho grand statements, but zero sources — just one (self-assured) person’s wildly subjective approach to life.

What if things were different?

What if you could access a transformative Torah-based personal development system from one of today's most genuine Jewish educators?

What if you could join a program that gives you a

  • systematic model that goes BEYOND inspiration, because you don't have time in your life now for just-inspiration?
  • direct access line to Rabbi Kelemen, a sought-after mussar teacher whose mesorah-based method has changed the lives of thousands?
  • spectacular spread of sourced Torah ideas that are NOT a Judaized version of pop psychology?
  • serious Torah learning schedule you could incorporate in your daily life, to stay connected and growing?
  • set of 6 deeply empowering series from a uniquely articulate teacher whose lucid style makes you WANT to drive carpool?


The Inner Circle

with Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen

The Ultimate Personal Development Course for Thinking Jewish Men & Women Who Want to Transform Their Most Important Relationships

Drawing on over two decades of effective teaching and live interactions with 45,000+ students, The Inner Circle is a treasure trove of Rabbi Kelemen’s most transformative personal development classes, crafted into a step-by-step system designed to support real, lasting growth — for you.

Rabbi Kelemen’s system is not just brilliant or eye-opening; it’s culled from decades of teaching & counseling experience. And it’s taught directly from fundamental Jewish texts (like the Chovos HaLevavos / Duties of the Heart, Alei Shur and Zeriah U’Binynan B’Chinuch / Planting & Building in Education) and rooted in established Torah principles that have stood the test of time.

The end result: a first-of-its-kind program you can follow with confidence, to measurably improve the quality of your relationships — and the quality of your life.

“Saved my marriage...and my family”

"Without exaggeration, I can honestly say that Rabbi Kelemen’s teachings have saved my marriage — and the emotional health of everyone in my household. The course has taught me specific skills that I have successfully applied in many difficult situations."

— C. Solomon

The Inner Circle by Rabbi Kelemen is the only program of its kind that…


A devoted talmid who spent decades learning with the greatest scholars of the previous generation, Rabbi Kelemen does not teach contemporary psychology wrapped in a veneer of Torah ideas; every idea he conveys draws on a mesorah passed down over centuries.

Through timeless Torah concepts, he plumbs the depth of human psychology — revealing profound and life-changing insights into human behavior. He imparts ideas that have proven themselves in real life...without feeling the need to bend or pretzel them to the prevailing weltanschauung.

Everything Rabbi Kelemen teaches is heavily sourced, and most of his classes are centered on textual reading of classic seforim like Duties of the Heart, Alei Shur, and more.


A Harvard-trained educator who served under Torah giants for years, Rabbi Kelemen is a household name in the Jewish world — and his books and classes have riveted tens of thousands of men and women for decades.

Today, Rabbi Kelemen no longer teaches in seminaries or colleges; he devotes 95% of his time and energies to his Jewish leadership development program.

The Inner Circle is the ONLY way to reach Rabbi Kelemen or access his Torah teachings today— and it synthesizes the best of his best material from over 4 decades.


There is nothing lofty or unattainable in the Inner Circle program. It is a carefully designed system built to effect steady, lasting change in members who are willing to do the work.

“But how is it so effective?”

Unparalleled training.

Rabbi Kelemen learned how to help people grow and change from Rav Wolbe, the master of personal development in our generation. This is crucial, because only someone who has a direct link in the chain of mussar masters can effectively guide Torah Jews in making transformative mindset shifts.

Step-by-step guidance.

An Oral Tradition is oral — that’s why a sefer alone will not create sustainable growth. You need a seasoned guide to lead you every step of the way. In one of his courses, Rabbi Kelemen gives a 28 part lecture series explaining a 57-page sefer. This kind of deep, tradition-based clarity is what has enabled thousands to create lasting change — and it’s what will help you too.

Decades of experience.

Thanks to two decades of in-the-trenches experience, Rabbi Kelemen knows the common pitfalls people face — and how to overcome them. He knows how to help people stay motivated, cultivate healthy attitudes towards personal growth, and actually create lasting change. In the Inner Circle, he has integrated his years of experience to create a thoroughly refined program that works.

Homework makes it real.

One of the core elements of the Inner Circle are the custom-crafted homework assignments, which allow members to immediately incorporate the concepts into their lives. It’s not about theory; it’s about intellectual insight internalized through pointed, easy-to-implement exercises.

Nothing remains in the abstract

In the classes themselves, nothing remains in the realm of theory. Rabbi Kelemen immediately brings the esoteric to life by tying every concept to a real-life example, application, or story. There is no fluff.

Laser-focused strategy.

The Inner Circle was built with extensive forethought and planning. Each step leads to the next; you learn foundational material first, and you are hand-guided from one stage to the next, in incremental, doable steps.

It’s not a bunch of random ideas strung together.

You start with the basics, then you build on those as you advance. Every piece builds on the previous one. It’s like a bunch of puzzle pieces that fit.

You have the time you need to listen, absorb, and put it into practice.

Unlike some courses, where the content is delivered all at once, and the user can plow through it, Inner Circle content is delivered over time — in precise intervals prescribed by Rabbi Kelemen to ensure exactly enough time for internalization & implementation.

Every part of The Inner Circle has been exhaustively thought out and organized to help you grow and become the person you are truly capable of becoming.

“Knowing where everything is coming from is important to me”

Most speakers speak their minds and give over concepts — without sources. Here, everything is clear, logical, and sourced — it comes straight from a sefer, and Rabbi Kelemen always gives background as to the sefer’s author. I’m the type who questions things a lot, so knowing where everything is coming from is important to me.

— Tehila, New York

“When he speaks, you feel deeply that this is emes”

Rabbi Kelemen is brilliant and clear and understandable. He brings everything down to the masses, with real-life examples. When he speaks, you feel deeply that this is emes.There is nobody like him: real and charismatic at the same time.

— Adina, Lakewood

The Inner Circle is also different, because you get to…

Discover ancient Jewish secrets from an engaging teacher who is a pleasure to listen to

Rabbi Kelemen is an outstandingly clear — and addictive — orator. His style is seamless, satisfying, and entertaining. It all flows; it all makes sense; you are never bored.

Rediscover concepts you thought you understood — with an entirely new level of clarity

Rabbi Kelemen’s classes offer clarity that penetrates the soul and has a direct, practical impact. He teaches principles, and they all fit together. You can apply them. The concept are so clear, that it becomes obvious how to react to different scenarios

“An exceptional speaker”

He’s an exceptional speaker. Once you start, you really can’t stop. I have to pull myself away. I am the only person in Michigan who looks forward to carpool, because it’s my listening time. It’s very enjoyable. He’s engaging, you laugh!

— Chaya, Michigan

“You’re empowered to apply them on your own”

Sometimes, I want to ask Rabbi Kelemen a question. Then I think about the question and realize that I know exactly what he’s going to say. The principles are so clear and consistent, that you’re empowered to apply them on your own.

— Tehila, New York

Join the millions of people touched by Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen

A Harvard-educated scholar who embraced Jewish Orthodoxy as a young adult, Rabbi Kelemen offers his audiences an exceptionally unique combination: penetrating brilliance, sound logic, and vast reserves of likeability and warmth.

  • Training. Rabbi Kelemen graduated UCLA and did graduate studies at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. He spent 12 years studying in kollel in Yerushalayim before taking his first teaching position.
  • Educational Experience. Rabbi Kelemen served as Senior Lecturer at Neve Yerushalayim College of Jewish Studies for 14 years, where he also taught graduate students in the University of Texas Masters Degree program
  • Rabbinical ordination. Rabbi Kelemen received smicha from the Chief Rabbi of Yerushalayim and the Av Beis Din of the Rabbanut Yerushalayim. 
  • Books & organizations. Rabbi Kelemen is the author of four books: Permission to Believe, Permission to Receive, Planting and Building, and To Kindle a Soul. He founded the International Organization of Mussar Vaadim, a network of dozens of character development groups throughout North America and Israel. He also founded the Center for Kehillah Development, a rabbinic leadership development program based in Yerushalayim.

Most of all, as a disciple of legendary mussar great Rav Shlomo Wolbe z”l, Rabbi Kelemen brings with him decades of shimush with Torah giants — and a rich mesorah linked all the way back to the Vilna Gaon.

Few — if any — educators in the English-speaking world today have systematically mastered a Torah approach to personal development like Rabbi Kelemen.

“So...what will I learn in The Inner Circle?”

2 NEW (~Hour-long) Personal Mastery video classes each month that will serve as the foundation of any growth you’ll ever do. Includes 3 LIFE-CHANGING courses distributed strategically over 3 years:

  • Series 1: Know Yourself, Know Your Greatness
  • Series 2: Eliminate Your Anxiety, Eliminate Your Stress
  • Series 3: Discover Your Secret Superpower: A Practical, Self-Help Course on Personal Perception

Two additional BONUS courses!

  • THE MIRACLE OF PARENTING: The Complete System for Raising Happy (and Healthy) Jewish Kids (28 sessions)
  • THE MIRACLE OF PERSONAL GROWTH: A Step-by-Step System for Changing Yourself — and Others (48 sessions)

Monthly DIRECT ACCESS to Rabbi Kelemen in his interactive Q&A session tackling fascinating member-submitted questions — PLUS access to a massive archive of Q&A sessions recorded over years.

Exclusive access to all new courses as they come out. Rabbi Kelemen already has another brand-new series underway, and others in the works!





Achieve Greatness by Learning to Know — and Love — Yourself

Based on the text Daas Atzmeinu by Rav Shlomo Wolbe z"l

  • There has never been anyone exactly like you in all of human history, with your precise physical, intellectual, and spiritual profiles.
  • There never will be anyone exactly like you in the future, and there is no one exactly like you on earth today.
  • You are a one-time event in human history.

And if you are so unique, then it must be you were sent here on a very special mission. What does it take to fulfill that mission?

Recognizing who you really are, with all your strengths and potentials.

In this course, you will:

  • Learn why self-knowledge is more crucial than any other knowledge on Earth
  • Acquire the practical steps you need to start getting to know yourself
  • Get to know which of the 4 basic elements is most influential in your unique personality
  • Discover how to recognize the yetzer hara (destructive inclination) and use proven techniques to stop it in its tracks
  • Learn a clear, 3-step process to identify your biases and check your sincerity so you can avoid making dangerous errors based on misguided thinking and rationalizations (a la Korach and the 10 spies)
  • Enjoy new, never-before-heard personal stories to clarify the concepts and change your life.



Rabbi Bachya Ibn Pekuda’s Time-Tested Formula for Wiping Out Worry and Stress

Based on Duties of the Heart, by Rabbeinu Bachya Ibn Pekuda z"l

In 1040 C.E., Rabbi Bachya Ibn Pekuda published his magnum opus, Duties of the Heart. While the ancient book tackles many of the most difficult psychological challenges we face today, its section on alleviating anxiety (Sha’ar HaBitachon) is priceless for a generation plagued by this malady.

This series will teach you how to develop, internalize, and apply the principles of bitachon (trust in G-d) to eliminate anxiety and live a happier, calmer, fuller life.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • Stop relying on pseudo strengths like money, power, or intellect
  • Ingrain a deep, constant awareness of Hashem's presence
  • Balance natural effort & faith when trying to achieve big life goals
  • Live life with genuine security and peace of mind.


Personal Perception: A Practical, Self-Help Course

Based on Pirkei Kinyan Daas by Rav Shlomo Wolbe z"l

Most people miss 90% of what is happening in front of them. When you sharpen your perceptive skills (and start really understanding what’s going on around you), you enhance your relationships, your career, and your emotional health. 

The Torah provides a comprehensive guide to developing exactly this sort of awareness — and that’s what you’ll reveal in this course.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • access one of the most powerful (and overlooked) elements of your being.
  • Turn on an area of your brain that will cause you to view your entire life differently
  • fully engage in every moment of your life — even when there are distractions
  • Use “daas” consistently to ensure you are living an authentic Jewish life.

Helps me get through those anxious moments.There are moments in life when yes, I am worried, and yes, I am anxious. Rabbi Kelemen’s series on anxiety helps me get through these moments."

— Adina, New Jersey

Wisdom, depth, and beauty. I am astonished by the wisdom, depth and beauty of the lectures; I’ve watched all of them multiple times. I’m working on the circle chart of my middos now and looking forward to learning more. "

— Guido Mocchegiani

I’m still relaxed...a year later. Everyone knows what bitachon is, but how many of us actually walk around with real, internalized faith? This course helped me develop genuine bitachon — and a day-to-day life that is happier and calmer. I'm still relaxed from completing this course almost a year ago."

— David, New York

You cannot possibly listen without changing your whole frame of mind. This is not just for people who have a mental health diagnosis; this is for anyone who deals with everyday stresses and worries. You cannot possibly listen to this series without changing your whole frame of mind about your day-to-day life — and without thinking about how much you live with Hashem’s presence."

— Chaya, Michigan


2 NEW (~hour-long) HD video classes each month.

To ensure you make the most out of this personal development & mastery program, with ample time to internalize and implement, you’ll get access to two new lectures each month.


Learn and interact directly with Rabbi Kelemen, in the eye-opening monthly, interactive Q&A session.

There is NO OTHER WAY way to interact live with Rabbi Kelemen today.

Rabbi Kelemen does not offer one-on-one consultations anymore.

If you are not enrolled in his small Jerusalem rabbinical semichah program, this Q&A series is the only way to access his wisdom and guidance directly.

Ask him anything

Submit your thoughtful questions in advance and they’ll be added to the queue.

No question is off bounds: Rabbi Kelemen tackles hot-button contemporary topics that aren’t often discussed in the frum world.

Interact on call

Not clear on the answer? Need further clarification?

Every member has the chance to chime in and ask follow-up questions on the spot.

Get game-changing answers

Shallow answers don’t help you grow. That’s why they don’t exist in this program.

Rabbi Kelemen exhaustively prepares for each session, laying out a dazzling spread of profound ideas that address every aspect of the issue.


Enroll now, and get instant access to

45 packed hours of eye-opening, deeply satisfying recorded Q&A

A powerful mini-class on every question asked

Value: $997

This is where hot-button issues are tackled head-on

With candor and clarity, Rabbi Kelemen takes on key Jewish topics often not discussed:

  • Is there room in Jewish Orthodoxy for homosexuals?
  • My husband hates learning Torah. Is it possible to acquire a love of learning Torah as an adult?
  • I love secular music. Is it really bad for my spiritual health?
  • “I’m water-phobic; I hate mikvah.” How does one handle mitzvot that have scary or negative associations?
  • My daughter hates eating healthy. How can I help her develop crucial life habits without destroying our relationship in the process?
  • When others look down on me, my self-esteem is shattered. How do I change that?
  • I’m worried that I’m a doormat. If I am constantly mevatel myself to the needs of others, won’t that lead to abuse?
  • Does G-d give hashgacha pratis to Gentiles? How can it be that an all-powerful G-d is not intimately involved in their lives as well?
  • How is it possible to have fear and joy at the same time? Balancing fear and joy in serving Hashem— how does one do that?
  • I don’t want a smartphone — but everyone thinks I’m crazy. Can you share some chizuk?
  • My child is insanely attached to me. Is there a peaceful way to teach my hyper-attached child to self-soothe?
  • I want to be more independent and trust my own assessments without turning to a rav all the time. Help me find this balance!
  • Why does Yom Tov feel like a food lovefest? Does eating a plethora of unhealthy food on Yom Tov really fulfill the mitzvah of “simchas Yom Tov”?
  • What constitutes a real need? If children should only have what they need — can I buy my child the latest designer fashions so she doesn’t feel left out?
  • Does G-d want our lip service? How can we do sincere teshuva, if we know we will fail again (and again and again)?
  • I’m supposed to be happy with whatever I have. So how can I simultaneously daven to Hashem for things I want and need?
  • I’m experiencing a spiritual high, but it’s around something that Judaism forbids. Is that possible?
  • How do I stop feeling like a bad parent — and terrible role model — every time my child does something wrong?
  • Night terrors. From a Torah perspective, how is it possible that a good man can unknowingly murder his own wife during a night terror?

This is nothing less than a gift. It’s mind-boggling — the topics he’s able to address, the scope and depth. For me and my family, this is nothing less than a gift. There are few people today who could answer questions with this kind of clarity and depth."

— Adina, New Jersey

The biggest plus of the whole course. For me, the Q&A is the biggest plus of the whole course. Rabbi Kelemen has answered some of my personal questions; I have a direct communication line with a truly great person. His material is coming directly from authentic, great sources. It’s an amazing opportunity."

— Chaya, Michigan

I can ask whatever is on my mind. I love that I can ask questions anonymously. Before, I might have been too embarrassed to call a rav to ask something that is not relevant to the moment but has been bothering me for some time. Now I have a place where I can ask whatever is on my mind. And I am eternally grateful...because I have a lot of questions."

— Aviva

But that’s not all!

Enroll now in The Inner Circle and get

two transformational bonuses:



The Complete System for Raising Happy (and Healthy) Jewish Kids

A deep, comprehensive approach based on Planting and Building, Rav Shlomo Wolbe’s definitive guide to parenting

In this internationally acclaimed course, you’ll reveal an ancient system for

  • disciplining effectively (without yelling and hitting)
  • preventing tantrums (without becoming a doormat)
  • managing bedtime (without losing your sanity)
  • bringing forth your child’s individuality and excellence (even if they are especially challenging).

âś” 28 Audio Classes that will transform yourself, your family, and your home, covering fundamental questions like:

  • What is my real role as a parent?
  • What is the most effective way to ensure good kids?
  • Does good parenting have to take so much time?
  • Is hitting a child never okay?
  • How can I get my kids to actually listen?
  • Is punishment bad?
  • My kid is being bullied — what do I do?

Expect to learn...

  • the 3 pillars of massively successful Jewish parenting (yes friends, there are only 3!)
  • the profound depth of the word "chinuch” — and why that even matters
  • the two words that encapsulate all of Torah parenting...and predict how successful you’ll be in raising your children
  • why just a few key Torah principles are all you need to know to solve your specific parenting dilemma
  • why secular books on parenting are 1,000s of pages long but Rabbi Wolbe's magnum opus on parenting is only 56 pages.

"No words can do justice to this 28 hour course”

Rabbi Kelemen’s program gives you a completely unique Torah approach to parenting that goes back 3,300 years. It’s helped me…

  • Distinguish between "is this best for my child...or for me?"
  • Stumble upon areas where my parenting has been deficient
  • Understand areas of my life where I’ve been deceiving myself
  • Give my kids the attention and affection they need instead of doing what I "think" is a better use of my time
  • Motivate me to become a better person myself, because the #1 skill in raising children is personal example.

No words can do justice to this 28 hour course. Rabbi Kelemen somehow convinces you to do what is deep down the right thing to do. It is a life-changing experience for everyone who listens.

— David, Michigan


The Miracle of Personal Growth: A Step-by-Step Torah System for Changing Yourself — and Others

Based on the text Daas Chochmoh U’Mussar by Rav Yeruchem Levovitz z"l 

One of the most famous and beloved leaders of the prewar Mir Yeshiva, Rav Yerucham Levovitz was the primary Torah teacher of numerous Jewish luminaries, including Rabbis Shlomo Wolbe, Chaim Shmuelevitz, and Shimon Schwab. His Daas Chochmo U’Mussar is a monumental work that describes the Torah’s psychological system.

In this course, you will learn:

  • the principles anyone must know to change themselves and help others change too
  • why the laws of nature — as designed by Hashem — are equally binding on us as Halacha
  • how to make good decisions in areas where the Torah doesn't explicitly say what to do.


As an Inner Circle member, you’ll get:

âś”MP3s and MP4s of all lectures. Downloadable MP3 + MP4 versions of all classes, so you can listen while commuting, treadmilling, or carpooling. You’ll also be able to watch the classes streaming (no download required)— accessible on any device.

âś”Access to archives of all past recordings. For the duration of your membership, you’ll have access to all videos and MP3s unlocked to your account, plus the complete archive of all Q&A sessions to date.

âś” Exclusive access to new courses as they come out. Rabbi Kelemen already has another brand-new series underway, and others already in the works! As an Inner Circle member, you’ll get access to anything he puts out.

“This program radically changed my life”

I used to be very stressed out about daily challenges. Through the Inner Circle, I learned that what was causing my stress was not the events themselves, but my skewed mindset. In a profound but clear way, Rabbi Kelemen examines the flawed beliefs and assumptions we make about the world, showing me where my error in thought was happening and exactly how to change it. With the correct thoughts and outlook, a new mindset emerged — and it was a life-changing paradigm shift. The same happened with my relationship with my children. Like wearing a new pair of glasses, I now see my children in a different light. And it has radically, drastically, changed how I relate to them. Our relationship is much closer, and I'm living a much happier life — connected to my values and to those whom I love.

— Yosef, Florida

Are you ready to go deeper — and really learn about yourself?

Not about your quirks.
Not about your habits.
Not about the superficial behaviors you tackled in seminary or yeshiva.

Prepare to learn about the deep underlying traits that drive every decision you make.

Change deep-seated behavior patterns with clear, structured assignments that make it real

“These exercises set your day off right...but you gotta do them. On the days that I do the exercises, I feel the difference throughout the day.”

— Rena, New York City

Join today, and
become a member of….

The Inner Circle Program

You’ll get access to:



LIFE-CHANGING courses on self-knowledge and personal mastery:


Achieve Greatness by Learning to Know — and Love — Yourself

  • Eliminating Anxiety: Rabbi Bachya Ibn Pekuda’s Failproof Formula for Wiping Out Worry and Stress
  • Discover Your Secret Superpower: A Practical, Self-Help Course on Personal Perception

âś” 2 NEW (~hour-long) HD video classes each month. Dozens of personal development lectures from one of today’s most articulate Torah educators — with hard-hitting truths, mind-blowing clarity, and powerful practical tools for growth.


Exclusive LIVE Interactive Q&A Sessions Each Month

âś” 60 Minute LIVE Q&A Session each month, including the chance to ask follow-up questions and get answers in real-time

âś” The COMPLETE Q&A Archive, where you can access dozens of fascinating + eye-opening audio recordings about contemporary struggles of real people like you








  • Access to complete self-development program
  • 2 NEW HD video classes released each month
  • Access to all upcoming series (including Eliminating Anxiety and Personal Perception)
  • Direct access to Rabbi Kelemen in monthly Q&A, plus 28 hours of archives
  • 2 BONUS courses: Parenting + Personal Growth
  • Downloadable MP3s, MP4s + live streaming of all lectures
  • Access to archives of ALL past recordings.
  • Exclusive access to all new courses as they come out

$49 $36.75 per month

Save 25% off the first 12 months!


$588 $441 per year

Save 25% forever!


Need help ordering or have questions?

We’re here for you. Please get in touch with any questions or concerns about the course.

[email protected]


Call/Text +1-248-690-5102

Money-Back Guarantee for You

We are so confident in this program that we offer a 30-day free trial with a monthly payment plan, or a 15-day free trial with an annual payment plan. If, after the trial ends, you are accidentally billed or decide this program is not changing your life in a measurable way, just let us know and you’ll get 100% of your money back.

No risk. No commitment. Cancel anytime.

What would you pay to become the person you know you could be?

What would you pay to…

  • Be a parent who radiates wisdom and calm?
  • Be a spouse who invites loving intimacy?
  • Overcome painful loneliness with resilience and faith?
  • Enjoy the marriage you dreamed of for years?
  • Live a life free of anxiety, stress, and low moods?

What price do you keep paying for passing up powerful direction that’s helped thousands?

If you have to go to a dentist, you find the money. And if you have to pay $50 a month to make sure you and your whole family are on the right track in life, what’s the question?

The cost was not a hesitation for me — not because I’m wealthy, because I’m not. And not because we don’t watch our spending carefully, because we do. It was not a hesitation because to me, this is life. If you have to go to a dentist, you find the money. And if you have to pay $50 a month to make sure you and your whole family are on the right track in life, what’s the question?"

— Adina, New Jersey

Member of The Inner Circle since its inception, Lakewood, NJ

“This program radically changed my life”

I used to be very stressed out about daily challenges. Through the Inner Circle, I learned that what was causing my stress was not the events themselves, but my skewed mindset. In a profound but clear way, Rabbi Kelemen examines the flawed beliefs and assumptions we make about the world, showing me where my error in thought was happening and exactly how to change it. With the correct thoughts and outlook, a new mindset emerged — and it was a life-changing paradigm shift. The same happened with my relationship with my children. Like wearing a new pair of glasses, I now see my children in a different light. And it has radically, drastically, changed how I relate to them. Our relationship is much closer, and I'm living a much happier life — connected to my values and to those whom I love.

— Yosef, Florida

For the price of one monthly gas fill-up, you could live happier — in this world and the next

You spend $49 each month on…

  • 8 cups of coffee
  • 3 pies of pizza
  • One new top
  • 3 takeout dinners.

Doesn’t your spiritual life deserves at least as much of an investment as your physical one?

Frequently Asked Questions

What thinking people like you have asked before joining our community

Who is this course for?

The Inner Circle is for men, women, and teenagers — any thinking person who wants to achieve personal mastery and lead a happier, more fulfilled life.

Can I download the lectures to my device?

Yes, you can download the audio as MP3 files or MP4 files (videos) to any device. Read our sharing policy here.

How often is content delivered?

You’ll get access to hours of content immediately upon joining, then several more new classes each month.

New content is released once every 30 days from the date you joined. Starting with our foundational course, Know Yourself, Know Your Greatness, you’ll get 2 new lectures each month, as well as access to your parenting bonus plus ALL the Q&A sessions as soon as you join.

How much time will I need to invest each week?

It’s totally up to you.

During quieter times, you can ramp up and listen to 2-4 hours of classes each week. When things are busy, you can take a break — then go back and review later. It’s your program; you can digest it the way you want, at your own pace.

Whatever time you invest, one thing’s for certain: if you listen carefully and do the exercises, you will improve your middos and change your life.

Why can’t I get all the content at once?

Rabbi Kelemen designed the course this way so you have time to do the exercises he recommends — and actually create lasting change in your life. If you plow through the material without absorbing it and doing the exercises, you’re not going to create lasting change.

Can I cancel my account if I’m no longer interested?

For sure. You can cancel your membership at any time, and you’ll won’t be billed for the following month. You can keep any MP3 audio files you’ve downloaded to your devices and review the content as you wish.

Can I share my membership with family members or friends?

Absolutely — as long as there is only one copy of the MP3. So when one person is listening to it, the other cannot. If one person is accessing the content online and another has a downloaded MP3 version of the class — they may not listen at the same time. However, a couple can be on the Q&A call together.

Many of our members have reported that going through the program with their spouse or children created a powerful transformation in their home.

Do you offer discounts?


  • If you pay for the year upfront, you get a 25% discount. That means you save a whopping $147 each year!
  • If you or your spouse learns in kollel, or serves as a Jewish educator, we offer a hefty 50% discount for the first two years. Click here to email us for details.
  • If you are in a tough financial situation and willing to share your tax returns, you could qualify for up to 75% off for 2-3 years. Click here to email us for details.

Can I join anytime? How does it work?

Yes, this is a self-paced course that begins on the day you join. You can start whenever you want.

As soon as you join, you’ll get the first lectures, then you’ll get more each month. It doesn't matter when you join; the course begins when you begin.

Can I pay to personally speak with Rabbi Kelemen directly?

Rabbi Kelemen is booked to capacity. He does not accept one-on-one consultations at this time. He only answers questions in the live Q&A call for members of his online Inner Circle program.

I’m really busy — how can I implement and gain from this program?

The question is: do you have time NOT to do it?

Living without direction, without clarity, and without inner serenity, costs you time and energy every day. Mastering your instinctive behaviors and emotions will transform the way you make decisions and interact with the world, which will save you enormous time and energy in the long run. Consider each moment of the program an investment in living a far more productive and superior life. Every second you invest in it will pay off a thousand-fold.

What’s more, the beauty of this program is that you can listen in the car, on the treadmill, doing housework — whenever. It’s easy to consume. But most of all, it will save you untold time and energy (and therapy money!) in the long term.

What is a happier life worth to you?

  • What is a satisfying marriage worth to you?
  • What is an anxiety-free life worth to you?
  • What is confidence and clarity as a parent worth to you?

The Inner Circle is PERFECT for you if you:

  • Know you can be so much better — you just need proven direction and tools
  • Want to drastically improve your relationships — you’re not satisfied with where you’re at
  • Appreciate sophisticated Torah thought — you’re tired of narrow prisms and sound bites
  • Need a methodical, effective parenting approach  because your job ain’t getting easier
  • Seek a richer, more meaningful life — because cultural frumkeit is not doing it for you
  • Are ready to do the homework exercises — because you know that life is about overcoming our natural tendencies and you are really (really!) ready to become your best self.

If any of the above sound like you,

we cannot wait to welcome you to The Inner Circle.


  • Access to complete self-development program
  • 2 NEW HD video classes released each month
  • Access to all upcoming series (including Eliminating Anxiety and Personal Perception)
  • Direct access to Rabbi Kelemen in monthly Q&A, plus 45+ hours of archives
  • 2 BONUS courses: Parenting + Personal Growth
  • Downloadable MP3s, MP4s + live streaming of all lectures
  • Access to archives of ALL past recordings.
  • Exclusive access to all new courses as they come out
  • Access material from your computer, tablet or phone

$49 $36.75 per month

Save 25% off the first 12 months!


$588 $441 per year

Save 25% forever!


Need help ordering or have questions?

We’re here for you. Please get in touch with any questions or concerns about the program.

[email protected]


Call/Text +1-248-690-5102

Money-Back Guarantee for You

We are so confident in this program that we offer a 30-day free trial with a monthly payment plan, or a 15-day free trial with an annual payment plan. If, after the trial ends, you are accidentally billed or decide this program is not changing your life in a measurable way, just let us know and you’ll get 100% of your money back.

No risk. No commitment. Cancel anytime.

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